About us

           Jugaduman started as a start up firm on 30th October, 2021 in Bhubaneswar, Odisha aiming to help people for every type of Services they want in an affordable and Pocket friendly budget. These Services in return make Client lifestyle easier. Initially, Jugaduman started with travelling agency, as this service was beneficial, we as Entrepreneur thought of expanding the services to help people overcome their needs. For different needs, we have solution i.e. Jugaduman. Expansion and franchise of Jugaduman led many of lives possible in a lot better way and isn’t it obvious that it would make sense to help our Clint see beyond the extra expenses with time saving plans.

            Who doesn’t like to get Services in easier and affordable prices that too in just get to go ?? Well, Jugaduman is here to solve maximum of parameter in one go. Services, being door to door, available 24 x 7 where a client don’t need to worry and expenses are just pocket friendly. “Anytime Anywhere”

Why should you choose Us ?

1. Multiservice giver.
2. Trustworthy
3. Community oriented
4. Free consultancy
5. Confidentiality
6. Assured and strong networking state wide.
7. Affordable Prices
8. experienced-cum-verified co-partners & employees.
9. 24 x 7 Services.
10. If needed, 100% payment refundable

Rajib Kumar Badra, Administrative Admin

Sameer Hembram, Photographer

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